An excellent result for an athlete should always be an incredible moment for the sponsor to collect revenue from their investments. After the astonishing silver medal for Roberto Sánchez Mantecón in the European Triathlon Championship, the sponsors of Roberto are managing relevant impacts in the media, but that is just a part of it.
A good athlete ranking usually has a follow-up from the media, but it includes drawbacks like; what images will use the media? , does the press has all the information about the athlete? Can another athlete hide your athlete result? Has the sponsor had the proper visibility?. Many of these variables can not be fully under control so, in cases like this, we apply a specific press plan including the following ítems:
- Select critical media to bring them all the relevant information we want to include in the press release before the race
- All these media should have privileged access to a folder with the images we want to share.
- Work closely with the PR department of the competition to include critical information we need to comunícate.
But besides the press distribution, the momento is perfect for applying a victory plan to generate new content. That is what we do with some of the main sponsors of Roberto Sánchez Mantecon with a couple of actions.
The first one, exclusive with FUNDACION TRINIDAD ALFONSO, totally focused on a press media conference with a press act in their headquarters attending local news websites and regional tv. For this event, all the attention has been focused on the relationship between the athlete and one of his leading sponsors.
The second one was a shared sponsor media event concentrating all the enforce in one header but shared with three sponsors; SPORCKS, BH, and CROWN NUTRITION.

In total, we achieved more than 30 references in media shared between digital, press, tv, and radio with an estimated economic impact of 50.000 €.
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